News & Events

Preparatory Meeting for HomeNet International Congress

Preparatory Meeting for HomeNet International Congress

HomeNet Kenya in line with HomeNet Africa held a meeting between 8 - 10 February,…

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1023 998 Homenet Kenya
HomeNet Africa working together to implement the region’s strategic plan

HomeNet Africa working together to implement the region’s strategic plan

In December 8th - 10th Pamela Othieno, Juliana Kikuvi, Jemimah Nyakongo ( Africa’s regional representative…

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1280 606 Homenet Kenya
WIEGO’s 8th General Assembly Homenet International in Mexico

WIEGO’s 8th General Assembly Homenet International in Mexico

Focus on the next 25 years: sharing experiences and knowledge, setting priorities, framing problems and…

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1600 1200 Homenet Kenya
First in-person HNI Working Committee Meeting was held in Nepal

First in-person HNI Working Committee Meeting was held in Nepal

After nearly one year and eight months of working remotely and meeting virtually due to…

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1280 606 Homenet Kenya

International Day for Home based workers

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150 150 Homenet Kenya
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