Who are we?

Homenet Kenya is an Association of homebased worker, member based organizations operating within Kenya. It was officially launched on 10th December, 2020 at Sarova Woodlands in Nakuru County, Kenya.

HomeNet Kenya (HNK) has its roots to activities of the Fair-Trade networks; TANFAT, KEFAT, UGAFAT and WFTO-Africa as well as the WIEGO Global Trade Program activities that took place between the year 2008 and 2015.

Since then, and by September, 2023 the Kenyan homebased workers network; HomeNet Kenya has grown to cover twelve (13) town-based cluster areas of  Kisii, Bungoma, Kisumu, Nairobi, Machakos, Nandi, Elgeyo Marakwet, Baringo, Nakuru, Laikipia, Kitui, Kakamega and Turkana.

HomeNet Kenya membership comprises of self-help groups (SHG), Community Based Organizations (CBO’S), Cooperative Societies and Marketing/Support Organizations and currently (2024) at about one hundred and twenty four (124) and growing fast.

Our Impact in numbers


Homebased Workers





Our Guiding Principle

The General Conference of the International Labour Organization, having been convened at Geneva by the Governing Body of the International Labour Office, and having met in its Eighty-third Session on 4 June 1996, adopted the Home Work Convention, 1996: with 18 articles, one of which states;

  1. The national policy on homework shall promote, as far as possible, equality of treatment between homeworkers and other wage earners, taking into account the special characteristics of home work and, where appropriate, conditions applicable to the same or a similar type of work carried out in an enterprise.
  2. Equality of treatment shall be promoted, in particular, in relation to:
    a) the homeworkers’ right to establish or join organizations of their own choosing and to participate in the activities of such organizations;
    b) protection against discrimination in employment and occupation;
    c) protection in the field of occupational safety and health;
    d) remuneration;
    e) statutory social security protection;
    f) access to training;
    g) minimum age for admission to employment or work; and
    h) maternity protection.

News & Events

Advanced Fundraising leadership training for global networks

22nd - 24th October 2024 Manchester, UKThe Global Leadership Fundraising Training held in Manchester was a transformative event designed to…

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Homenet International 8th Executive Committee Meeting and Leadership Development Training

16th - 20th October 2024 Bangkok, ThailandIn October 2024, HomeNet International's Executive…

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Advance Monitoring Learning & Evaluation (MLE) Workshop for NETs and Affiliates

27th - 30th May,24 Port Louis, MauritiusThe aim of the workshop is…

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Homenet Africa Regional Workshop

March 4th-8th, 2024 MSTCDC, Arusha, TanzaniaThis workshop is set to serve as…

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